[釜山機張郡提供素食餐點的韓式餐廳] 素食韓式拌麵名店 – 位於釜山廣域市機張郡蓮花邑的<孫英煥拌麵> / [Korean Restaurant which Serves Vegetarian Food] The Introduction of Famous Vegetarian Korean Bibim-guksu (Spic..
[Korean Restaurant which Serves Vegetarian Food] The Introduction of Famous Vegetarian Korean Bibim-guksu (Spicy mixed noodles) Restaurant - "Son Yeong Hwan Bibim-guksu" which located in Busan Gijang-gun Yeonhwa-gil. 由於主要餐點是拌麵(비빔국수)是素的 所以很多素食者都會光顧(손영환 비빔국수)餐廳 餐廳在韓國釜山、慶南、慶北一帶約有10家分店 平常我主要都是到釜山蓮提區巨堤洞法院附近的分店用餐 這次特別光顧了釜山機張郡蓮花邑(大邊港附近)的分店 The main menu they serve is bibim-guksu (spicy mixed noodles), ..
2020. 1. 23. 14:51