特地來釜山中央洞<一把麥穗>素食咖啡店 吃了美味的素食早午餐(素食漢堡套餐) / Because I want to try tasty vegan brunch (vegan burger combo), I came to <A Bunch of Wheat> (밀한줌) – the vegan café in Busan Jungang-dong!
平常想吃素食麵包的時候 主要是到溫泉店購買 但是最近比較常到中央店光顧 When I feel like having vegan bread, I usually go to "A Bunch of Wheat(밀한줌)" Oncheoncheon shop. But recently I visit Jungang-dong shop more often. 因為中央店最近也開始賣釜山知名素食漢堡–「姆姆漢堡」(MooMoo Burgur)了! It’s all because "A Bunch of Wheat" Jungang-dong shop started to sell “MooMoo Burger”- the famous vegan burger in Busan! 離捷運站超近 呵呵呵 It is SUPER close to subway station lol..
2020. 2. 28. 14:24